Smart Electrical Panel

Welcome to the next generation of home energy management.

Introducing Smart Main Panel: a home electrical panel engineered for the 21st century. Ready to ship to you today.

Starting at just $2300 per unit.

Product image of Smart Main Panel, an all-in-one electrical panel designed to optimize solar and home battery installation and enable home energy management and automation

A Command Center For the Modern Home



How Smart Main Panel Stacks Up

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There’s a Smart Main Panel model ideal for every residential use case. Compare models below and select the right one for you – or, click below to reserve your unit and our team will help you choose the right one for your home. 

How does the Smart Main Panel work?

The Smart Main Panel replaces an existing main electrical panel. It works essentially the same way as a traditional main panel, with a few added functions.

The Smart Main Panel is connected to sources of energy (the utility grid and any residential solar and/or home battery systems) and draws sufficient power from those sources, based on availability and user preferences, to supply the energy demand of the circuits in the panel. The circuits of the panel route power to rooms, appliances, and devices in the home, preventing circuit overloads in the process.

The Smart Main Panel differs from a traditional main panel in that it is specifically designed to perform optimally in a modern home, with multiple energy inputs, higher energy usage and more complex use cases. For instance, a traditional main panel typically has only one busbar, which limits the size and scope of solar and home battery system integrations.

The Smart Main Panel also actively monitors the energy flow into and out of the panel, sending data to the companion app so the user can visualize and understand where energy comes from and how it is used within the home. This data exchange also enables custom settings and home automation functions.

Why should I install a Smart Main Panel?

Installing a Smart Main Panel allows homeowners to customize and optimize their home energy flow, and provides peace of mind by alerting homeowners to energy disruptions and managing response according to user preferences.

If you would benefit from any of the following, the Smart Main Panel may be right for you:

How the Smart Main Panel optimizes solar, home battery, and EV charging

The Smart Main Panel is built to seamlessly integrate solar and home battery systems. In most solar and home battery installations, subpanels and additional boxes are required to tie the system in to the home’s energy infrastructure. With the Smart Main Panel, there is dedicated space to accommodate practically any size and scope of solar or home battery system.
The Smart Main Panel has a dedicated busbar for solar integration, along with a dedicated load center for solar, allowing functions to be powered specifically and directly by solar production. The Smart Main Panel’s critical load center is ideal for battery tie-ins, as appliances identified as critical loads can be easily prioritized as battery backup candidates.

The silver bullet for Net Metering 3.0 - how the Smart Main Panel keeps solar and home battery profitable for California homeowners

Net Metering 3.0, or NEM3, is a new policy recently adopted by the state of California to govern how residential solar production is reconciled by utilities managed by the state. The three largest utilities in California (PG&E, SDG&E, and SoCal Edison) are subject to the new policy. Essentially, NEM3 undercuts the value of solar by decreasing the rate at which homeowners are credited for excess solar production that they export to the grid.
Under the previous structure, NEM2, California homeowners were incentivized to simply build the largest solar system their roof could support and send any power generation they didn’t use back to the grid – they’d be credited on a one-to-one basis for the units of energy they exported, and could bank those credits to use at night and during low-production seasons
Now, homeowners in California have to get a lot more creative and nuanced with their approach to solar and home battery. Homeowners essentially have three paths to consider under NEM3:
In this case, the solar system is built to offset only the average peak daily usage for the home – this way, the system can limit the amount of energy the homeowner needs to buy from the high-priced utility, while minimizing the out-of-pocket investment for the system.
In this case, the system is built to a capacity adequate to offset the home’s average peak daily usage, plus charge a battery system capable of offsetting a portion or all of the home’s usage at night and during solar low-production periods. This requires more up-front investment, but cuts monthly costs more noticeably and pays off sooner.
The Smart Main Panel unlocks the full potential of solar and home battery under NEM3. In this case, the homeowner can install enough solar and home battery capacity to comfortably meet the home’s day-to-day needs. The Smart Main Panel can also ensure that excess production is stored and passed back to the grid at the ideal time to maximize export credits (rather than exporting at a low rate and losing value).
The Smart Main Panel is critical to maximizing the value of investing in solar and home battery under NEM3. In fact, the Smart Main Panel is the silver bullet that allows homeowners to still reap the benefits of investment in renewable tech, despite the efforts by the state of California and its utilities to disincentivize adoption of solar.

Frequently Asked Questions

No! As long as you use electricity in your home, you can benefit from the Smart Main Panel. Plus, if you want to add solar and/or home battery backup later, you’ll be better prepared with a Smart Main Panel already installed

The base price of the Smart Main Panel starts at $2300. Installation, and additional features such as smart breakers, are an additional cost. 

Except in rare cases, one Smart Main Panel will be sufficient for residential use. The box

The Critical Load Center capacity is 200 amps. Even the highest-demand appliances in your home, such as the HVAC system, take up less than 50 amps, so you can easily choose your top 3-4 high usage appliances as critical loads and likely have room to spare.

Your installation technician can help you choose your critical loads and ensure your Smart Main Panel is optimized for your home and configured safely.

The Smart Main Panel can be installed in just one day – however, the entire process, from ordering, to permitting, to installation, takes a couple of weeks

We don’t recommend it. Contact a licensed electrician for assistance installing the Smart Main Panel. 


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